Category Archives: Editorial

Thriving Versus Surviving

Existing and living are two very different concepts but people tend to mix them up quite often. These are ideas to difficult separate, after all. Living is the purpose of every creature, yet it is too easy to simply exist … Continue reading

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A Betta by Any Other Name is Not Just as Sweet

Imagine that you are walking through an animal rescue shelter. Strolling up and down the enclosure you feel the big, eager, eyes watching you excitedly, hear the barks and whines of dogs yearning for you to glance at them in … Continue reading

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Why Pet Shop Advice is Less Reliable Than the Internet

The novice fish keeper often has no previous experience with caring for fish. A few facts may have been picked up over the years, hearsay that may or may not be true, but that is all the knowledge the novice … Continue reading

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What it Means to Truly Rescue a Betta Fish

Rescue- to free or deliver from confinement, violence, danger, or evil. A male mustard gas veiltail for sale at Walmart. Photo by BettaSmart What it Means to Truly Rescue a Betta Fish Rescue is a word that gets thrown around … Continue reading

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