Author Archives: A. Sivan

Calculating the Real Cost of Betta Ownership

Betta fish attract people to them with more than just their bright colors and feisty personalities—their inexpensive needs tend to be the largest contributor to their popularity. For families and individuals who cannot house a large animal, or afford the … Continue reading

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Of Bubbles and Bettas

Walking through the betta section of a pet shop you may notice a thick white foam spread across the water’s surface of the fish cups. Or perhaps you’ve seen it in your own tank, a lining of bubbles and white. … Continue reading

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Deconstructing the Puddle Myth

There is an idea that is singlehandedly the most harmful idea in existence to bettas. This idea is the root for most of the myths and misconceptions about their needs, an idea so intensely misguided that it altered how people … Continue reading

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Weekly Betta Beauties: Week of June 17, 2015

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Vacations and Betta Care

Its that time again! Sun, fun, and barbeques aren’t the only things that come with summer. Summer is the season of vacations. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a weeks-long camping trip, vacations are a great escape from the stresses … Continue reading

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Thriving Versus Surviving

Existing and living are two very different concepts but people tend to mix them up quite often. These are ideas to difficult separate, after all. Living is the purpose of every creature, yet it is too easy to simply exist … Continue reading

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Betta Fish Awareness Day is Approaching

June 21st marks the XX annual Betta Fish Awareness Day, a day when betta lovers try to raise awareness about the needs of Betta fish and dispel the myths and misconceptions about their care. To celebrate Betta fish on this … Continue reading

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Betta Beauties: Week of April 22, 2015

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A Betta by Any Other Name is Not Just as Sweet

Imagine that you are walking through an animal rescue shelter. Strolling up and down the enclosure you feel the big, eager, eyes watching you excitedly, hear the barks and whines of dogs yearning for you to glance at them in … Continue reading

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Betta Beauties: Week of April 15, 2015

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